By Super User on Thursday, 06 October 2022
Category: Uncategorized

What Are The Different Types Of Abortion?

Pregnancy can create a range of emotions. Some women are elated to see those two pink lines, while others may feel devastated. If you are one who feels devastated, you are not alone.

Over 3 million women report an unplanned pregnancy in the United States every year. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Maybe you have considered an abortion and are curious about what options are available?

Understanding the fine print of abortion and your other options is critical to make the right decision for your health and future. Here's a short review of the types of abortions you may have considered.

What Is A Medical Abortion?

Medical abortion is often known by its common name: the abortion pill. To qualify for the abortion pill, you must be 9 weeks or less along in your pregnancy and not currently using an IUD or blood thinner medication.

The abortion pill consists of two different drugs in pill form: Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Mifepristone is taken first and blocks the body's production of progesterone, a hormone essential for pregnancy, which causes the uterus lining to thin and stops an embryo from growing.

The following dose of Misoprostol is taken about 24-48 hours later and causes strong uterine contractions and heavy bleeding, expelling the embryo that was growing in the uterus.

Do I Need A Surgical Abortion?

Surgical abortions may be more familiar to you. Performed typically between 10-20 weeks gestation, surgical abortions entail softening the cervix for dilation, and using a vacuum-type (suctioning) piece of equipment to remove the growing fetus and placenta.

With both types of abortion, it is very important to schedule an ultrasound first to determine how many weeks your pregnancy is, and if the fetus is still growing. Following either type of abortion, the healthcare provider should schedule you for a follow-up appointment a week or so after the abortion to ensure there is no infection or other complications.

Other Things To Consider

Here at Choices, we are committed to your health and well-being. Our team of consultants is trained to offer warm and confidential support for your unique situation. Our services are all free of charge, so you will never need to worry about financing. Schedule your free appointment today. 

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