By Super User on Wednesday, 05 March 2025
Category: Uncategorized

How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?

Having an abortion is a major medical decision, and you are wise to learn about the methods if you are considering this option. An abortion has both physical and emotional consequences, so understanding how abortion procedures end a pregnancy is the perfect place to start.

Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you medically accurate information about abortion methods, side effects, and potential physical and psychological risks. Schedule an appointment today.

The Abortion Pill Method

The abortion pill method uses two abortion drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. The FDA highly regulates the first drug, mifepristone. This drug blocks progesterone from reaching the pregnancy.

Without progesterone, a pregnancy cannot grow and survive. At this point, your pregnancy ends. The second drug, misoprostol, causes cramping and bleeding to remove the pregnancy from your body.

The FDA approves the use of these abortion drugs for pregnancies that are ten weeks or less only. An ultrasound correctly dates your pregnancy so you know exactly how long you have been pregnant.

Some risks to be aware of with the abortion pill method include:

Surgical Abortion

Abortion providers perform surgical abortions in clinics or hospitals. The procedure starts with dilating (opening) your cervix (which leads to the uterus). You may also have local or general anesthesia.

Early in pregnancy, the provider might use suction or vacuum aspiration. Later pregnancies require adding a scraping tool called a curette or forceps to remove larger parts.

Some risks to be aware of with a surgical procedure include:

Confirm Your Pregnancy First

Before having an abortion, it's essential to confirm that your pregnancy is developing first. Experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. We recommend taking a pregnancy test and getting an ultrasound to verify you have not miscarried.

At Choices Options for Women's Health, we can give you the facts about your pregnancy. We provide free and confidential services, such as pregnancy testing and limited OB ultrasounds.

Your physical and emotional health and well-being matter to us. Please call (732) 516-0911 to schedule your free and confidential appointment. We're here for you.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing. 

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