Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect NJ?
If you live in New Jersey and think you might be pregnant, we want you to know first and foremost that you are not alone. You probably have a lot going through your head, including confusion about what the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade means for you and your pregnancy options.
Before you make your decision, take a moment to take a deep breath and think through all of the options available to you. We hope we can help you answer some of the questions on your mind and give you support in your next steps.
Is Abortion Still Legal in New Jersey?Abortion is protected in New Jersey state law for any reason, with no restrictions on gestational age (meaning, it is available through all three trimesters of pregnancy). The only restrictions on abortion in NJ are on abortion providers, ensuring they have appropriate admitting privileges and qualifications for these serious procedures.
Despite the recent Supreme Court ruling, in the state of New Jersey, nothing has changed in terms of your pregnancy options. Abortion is one of those options and includes several different methods, the abortion pill (otherwise known as a medication abortion) and surgical abortion.
Which abortion method is most appropriate for each patient's situation depends on a number of factors, primarily how far along the pregnancy is and whether or not other medical complications are present. Before you make your next steps, you owe it to yourself and your health to find out all there is to know about the concerns that are unique to your situation: learn which method you would be considering, what risks and costs are associated with it, and what other details and support you may need.
What Do I Need to Know Before Abortion?Learn the facts about each method of abortion before making your choice. First is the abortion pill or medication abortion. The FDA approves the use of the abortion pill for the termination of early pregnancies up to 10 weeks.
Taking the abortion pill after 10 weeks could produce medical complications, such as incomplete abortion and the need for follow-up surgery. For this reason, it's imperative to know how far along you are in your pregnancy before obtaining the abortion pill.
Although it may seem like a quick and easy pill, medication abortion also comes with associated risks as it is a serious medical procedure, such as the following (as quoted by the Mayo Clinic):
- Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
- An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn't work
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
- Digestive system discomfort
Past 10 weeks gestational age, pregnancy termination is conducted through another in-clinic procedure known as surgical abortion. One of the most common methods of surgical abortion involves a procedure known as dilation & curettage, where a physician uses medical instruments to scrape or lightly suction the fetus and any remaining tissue out of the uterus.
Surgical abortion is just what it sounds like—an in-clinic surgical procedure conducted by a physician that usually involves some form of sedation. Because it is a more involved process and carries a list of serious risks, it's likely that the costs associated with surgical abortion are significantly higher than a medication abortion. Be sure you are aware of the following potential physical risks and side effects of surgical abortion, according to the Mayo Clinic:
- Passing blood clots that are larger than a lemon for more than two hours
- Bleeding that is heavy enough that you have to change your pad twice in one hour for two hours straight
- Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
- Fever
- Pain or cramping that gets worse instead of better, especially after 48 hours
- Pregnancy symptoms that persist after one week
Before you make your next steps, be sure you have all the facts about your unique pregnancy situation. Do you know for sure how far along you are? It's possible that your last menstrual period may not be a reliable dating tool and you will want to get your pregnancy confirmed by a medical professional. The best way to do that—and to get your questions answered—is to receive an ultrasound.
Why Do I Need to Get an Ultrasound?An ultrasound exam can answer many questions about your pregnancy concerns, such as:
- How far along you are (and what pregnancy options are available for that stage)
- If the pregnancy is viable (or if miscarriage care is more appropriate for your situation)
- If the pregnancy is located in the uterus (or if you are at risk of ectopic pregnancy)
Because your options may vary based on the answers to these questions—and because you may need to seek immediate medical care outside of abortion to remedy certain medical complications (like ectopic pregnancy)—it is very important to know the answers to these questions to put your health and safety first.
Any delay in specialized treatment for your specific concerns could be damaging to your health. Only in-person medical care from a caring medical professional can get you the answers you need.
Schedule Your Free Appointment TodayAt Choices Options for Women, our professional medical staff is here to help you navigate your pregnancy options. Learn what you need to know about your unique needs through scheduling your appointment today.
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